We want your instruments to last as long as they can, while maintaining the safety and comfort of both you and your patients. This is why we have put together the PDT Product Care Guide as well as the PDT Product Reprocessing Guide.
Basic Extraction Kit
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T015E-U FlipTop™ Cassette 'E' - Utility
T018FM Silicone Finger Mat 10.75”x 8”
R245 Mirror Handle (Cone-Socket)
T050 #5 Front Surface Mirror, Cone-Socket, (15/16')
T704 Scalpel handle
R437 Lucas 86
T040 Tweezers COLLEGE
T100 Retractor Caewood Minnesota 16
T714 TC Needle Holder CRILE WOOD
T104S Root elevator Seldin 34S Smooth Handle
T102S Root elevator Seldin No. 301 straight Smooth Handle
T080 Tissue pliers ADSON
T235 Aspirating Anesthetic Syringe Medium
T813 Scissors Goldman-Fox curved 12.5
T118 Periosteal Elevator Molt 9 Hollow handle
T320 Elevator Fragment Ejector/Root Tip Pick, HEIDBRINK
T850 Miller-Colburn Bone File #1, Serrated
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