JBN Hygiene Kit w/ Cassette



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The Just Be Nice Hygiene (JBN for short) Kit with Cassette, utilizes PDT's FlipTop™ Cassette and was developed in partnership with Dental Nachos. JBN provides the sharp, long lasting, ergonomic instruments you need to be effective and efficient for both patient and clinician. The scalers and curettes hold their edge longer and can be resharpened thus being easier on your budget and our environment. PDT black probe markings do not wear off either. Just Be Nice - for Ergonomics, Efficiency and Effectiveness!


Kit Includes:

(T007B-F) B-Series FlipTop™ Cassette - Fixed Rack 7

(R006) 11-12 Amazing Gracey™ Extended Reach Mini

(R007) 13-14 Amazing Gracey™ Extended Reach Mini

(R064) Columbia 13-14

(R130S) Jack B. Nimble®

(R138) Montana Jack®

(R224) 23 Explorer-Williams O Probe

(R245) Cone Socket Mirror Handle

(T050) #5 Mirror (15/16")

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We want your instruments to last as long as they can, while maintaining the safety and comfort of both you and your patients. This is why we have put together the PDT Product Care Guide as well as the PDT Product Reprocessing Guide.